Fri 06 Mar

The show must go on

Latest update from Ministry of Health and Events

Events & Coronavirus update Proceeding with large public events At this stage, the Ministry of Health does not propose altering arrangements for public events. If you are an event organiser, you should focus on: reminding the public and event workers not to attend if they are feeling unwell reminding the public and event workers not to attend if they have been in mainland China, Iran, northern Italy or the Republic of Korea (excluding airport transit) in the past 14 days ensuring your emergency management plan is up to date briefing your event staff on how to practice good hygiene and making it easy for staff and attendees to practice good hygiene (see below). How to brief event staff As always, anyone scheduled to work at a public event should stay home if they feel unwell. Staff should be reminded to always practice good coughing, sneezing and hand hygiene. This includes: covering coughs and sneezes with disposable tissues or clothing, or coughing/sneezing into your elbow disposing of used tissues appropriately in a bin washing hands with soap and water and drying them thoroughly or using hand sanitiser: before eating, handling food after using the toilet after coughing, sneezing, blowing your nose or wiping children’s noses #keynotespeakers #conferences #events